By: seoteam seoteam On: February 02, 2021 In: floor sanding Comments: 0

Do you want to avoid every possible mistake during Floor Sanding Melbourne?

Read the following ones:

Not using the right grit sandpaper

This is the biggest mistake one could ever make while sanding their floor. Using the right grit sandpaper is as crucial as anything else. Don’t use sandpaper that’s way too much fine. 

The type of grit sandpaper to use depends on the type of floorboards you are using. In case the floorboards are already sanded and need only a finishing touch, go for the finer paper; otherwise, you will have to choose more coarse paper than you expect.

Sanding too low

Sanding your floor can be a tiresome job and a long process. But you will see a huge difference when you start sanding. As a result, many people think that the sanding is done. But it requires much more time than that. The only way to know that the sanding is done when you have removed dirt and varnish and the surface is smoother & even. If the surface of the floorboard is not flat, this means sanding is still required, and only one or two go of the drum will not do the job.

Not Sanding Diagonally

Some people sand in just one direction on the entire floor, which is wrong. Start sanding in forward and backward motion a few times. After that, start sanding diagonally. This will ensure that you don’t miss a spot and get a finishing that makes your floor look perfect & as if it’s done by the professionals. This is the quickest way to sand your floor without missing even the tiniest spot. 

Sanding edges 

Sanding edges can be more struggling than the rest of the floor. It’s so painful as you might spend hours sanding the edges of the floor. The good news is that you don’t have to sand the edged as much as you need to do it on the rest of the floor. You can even leave them as it is.   

Use 120 grit papers to finish the sanding of the main area, but for edges, you need 80 grit. This paper will still smoothen the edges and save enough time that you can spend on other tasks. That’s why we suggest you go for professional Floor Repairs Melbourne as they can handle everything with advanced tools & machines.   

Using the same sandpaper over and over again

Sandpaper loses its coarseness as it is used multiple times. Don’t stick to just one sandpaper! Change it when required. If the floor isn’t sanding faster enough as it used to do when you first started sanding, it’s time to change the paper. By using the same paper for more runs will make the sanding process even longer, and you will waste your time & efforts on doing nothing.    

The best way to tackle floor sanding is by hiring professionals. They have commercial machines that are powerful enough to sand your floor in less time. 

So get in touch with professionals of Floor Sanding Melbourne and let them handle everything for you.